Daily Archives: August 7, 2020

07 Aug

Got Annoying Birds? Here’s What You Can Do!

Most people don’t view birds as traditional ‘pests.’ However, some birds, such as pigeons, geese, and sparrows, are native to regions throughout New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut. These birds aren’t so much the problem as their waste. Bird droppings are not only unsightly, but they also carry diseases that can spread to humans. This is why we need bird pest control!

Birds and their flocks create nests that are a safe-haven for other pests that include mites, ticks, fleas, lice, carpet beetles, carrion flies, and more. These safe-havens are created in gutters, roofs, and within the trees throughout the property. Animals, such as dogs and cats, may interact with these disease-carriers and potentially can get detrimentally ill and spread this disease to humans, often resulting in dire consequences. A good way to deal with this is to limit the source of the disease providers.

If the threat of …